Fantastic as always. I cannot imagine the horror of being stuck in a box all night. Gave me chills reading it. Can't wait for the audio version to come out!

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Sep 18Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

I'm so glad Lamb has returned! I had no memory of just how homoerotic the story of the great white whale was. This episode like everything you've told in this story is both funny and heartbreaking in equal measure. You strike such a perfect balance that's hard to achieve. Also, I love your narration. What took you so long to start!? One minor suggestion - you might used the "voiceover" option rather than the embed option when you upload your audio. It's handled better by the mobile app audio player when you do.

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Thanks Ben! What took me so long? Fear, mostly. Stages are not my friends. ;) Also, a super crappy computer which I finally replaced. Thanks for the tip about voiceovers I will try that option.

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I feel like I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating — poor Lamb! Damn school boy macho nonsense it’s such an ugly thing. And by endearing is to Lamb and then taking us with him through these sucky experiences you’re really capturing the extent of the effect they can have.

Thank you, Troy. This is really good and I’m excited for the next instalment. :)

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It is ugly, and the scars can run deep. Thanks Michael! We’re back on track, every two weeks until the finale. :)

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Sep 18Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Haven't listened to the audio yet (I'm sneaking this read in in the office ;)) but I look forward to doing so, especially with the Moby Dick passages there for you to read. Wonderful writing as always, Troy. Sucked right in. Plus, this assignment of memorising passages (wtf are they expected to achieve by memorising pages from a book? eye-roll old-school teaching approaches 😆) is brilliant and apt. Wonderful. Wonderful stuff. I've missed Lamb. It's been too long.

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Thanks Nathan! Yeah, August was a slow month for Lamb, but I needed a break lest I burn out. We’re on track for every two weeks until the finale now. :)

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Sep 17Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Troy! This chapter is devastating and hilarious all at once! And now I must listen to your audio version and pay special attention to the Moby Dick excerpts as I sense yours at the end is foreshadowing dear Lamb’s end? “So man’s insanity is heaven’s sense; and wandering from all mortal reason, man comes at last to that celestial thought, which, to reason, is absurd and frantic; and weal or woe, feels then uncompromised, indifferent as to his God.”

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It's def not an advertisement for his future healthy mindedness, that's for sure... ;) Thanks Kim!!! 💜

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Well done on the audio Troy, it's excellent.

This is heartbreaking and Lamb will live with me forever.

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Oh I'm glad - I haven't even turned on the "magic dust" yet (what?! yes! podcastle has magic dust for audio recordings which is supposed to smooth it all over but it's a paid feature - and you were just talking about it...!) Thank you my dear 💜

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Love the audio, I’m a much better listener than reader. Also, only 5 episodes to conclusion! I’m not ready for it to end. ❤️❤️❤️ this series!

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Thanks Sky! I know, 4 more now - it's wrapping up one year to the week since the beginning!

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Hot dang - I could see all this unfold before me in such a devastatingly beautiful, powerful, hilarious way. I appreciate you reading your amazing book for us. I look forward to listening to you and following along!

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Thanks Nadia! You should see my office, draped with coats and blankets trying to muffle the echo - it's rather cozy, actually, a little padded room action... ;)

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😂 it sounds divine!

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it's my dream vacation 😶‍🌫️

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And no need to pack! Lol

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... his shipmates called him mad ... well, indeed! Great episode, Troy.

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Thanks Martine!

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