Damn. Another character, Randy, who I want to punch in the nose!

This is so well written Troy. You pull us into place and set the scene, the hydrangeas and the weirdness of it, the art, the bottles lined up to breathe. It's as if I was in the room with the guys.

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Thanks Donna! D doesn't often get to do descriptions of scenes, so I thought this would be a good one to let loose. :)

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This is a fun sequel to read. I found it quite accidentally when the first episode was published and have been coming back ever since. I want to know what happened next. ; )

I also sometimes like to write (though I'm more of a visual person: photographing, drawing).

Here's one shorty:


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Thanks Piritta, and thank you for the link to your lovely story!

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Aug 19Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

So many truly golden lines in this, I lost count (first prize goes to that closing though 👏). Also, “I think he looked down on my career ambitions, confusing my need to be gainfully employed with some sort of moral failure.” You’re a genius 😂 Oh, how I do and don’t miss five G&T’s and cocaine covered COFFEE tables…

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Thank you my dear - yes the scenes of excess are bittersweet... (Finally catching up after being away, oy!)

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Poor Lamb. Just cannot find the right partner, or at least not a wrong one. Catching a partner cheating is an awful thing to experience. A fantastic new chapter, as always. 💕

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So sad for Lamb; so many of us don’t see the warnings when “in love.” Love all the details, like the European connections, sartorial choices (and haircut), and little snippets of telling conversation. Great read, Troy! ☺️💜⛄️

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Thank you my dear!

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Aug 12Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Another fantastic episode, Troy. So vivid and rich and deliciously detailed.

Another fumble by Lamb, though a year is a decent chunk of time.

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I know, poor guy can't catch a break... Thanks Nathan!

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This is awesome! I love your writing style. I'm going to have to go way back and make a start from chapter 1!

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Thank you so much Nicole, I hope you do! The audio version will be coming along sometime soon if you prefer to listen, fyi...

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Great chapter, Troy! But I might have nightmares about that sweater 😏

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hehe Hope not! ;)

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Poor Lamb! The more the story goes on the more I feel for him. Which is, of course, a testament to your writing wonderful writing, Troy.


“Super annoying dude with a lot of teeth wearing some crazy ass five-in-one Christmas sweater like he couldn’t decide which one to wear so he wore them all.”

— such a funny description!

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Thanks Michael! Sweaters: no thank you! 😂

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Really enjoying your serial novel, Mr. Troy Ford! The house tour in this installment is so well done. Great descriptions and we get to learn so much about Randy, art tastes and beyond.

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Thank you Jeffrey!! Glad you are enjoying - also very much enjoying your pre-order arc. :)

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Aug 10Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

You can pack so many amazing visuals into such a small space. There’s always at least one line that makes me laugh out loud.

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Thanks Ben! And thank you again for your note. 🩷

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Aug 10Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Good lord that sweater!!!😂

This chapter, errr, too close to home. I was someone’s project once. “You’re not really going to wear that” and shopping to replace my “ghetto bra” with La Perla were common occurrences.

(Written now with a smug grin, a much outgrown haircut and wearing hole-y sweats.:)

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Yes - living in a beach town where the standard uniform is tanktops, flip-flops and still wet bathing suits, the Henry Higgins' would be fighting a losing battle. ;)

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Aug 9Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

You're such a dear for sharing the news of Dylan's book... and am so happy you have a copy in your hands! I look forward to settling into the sofa this aft to read the latest adventures of Lamb. Sweet sweet Lamb. I'll circle back here after I've done so. :)

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Another good one...

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Randy was until so many things.... cooking. ....art....personal projects....hand puppetry....

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I never know what to expect when I start one of these chapters, but I'm never disappointed!

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