What an excellent turn to make Lamb the narrator so we get to know D a little more. The tension you build in every single chapter is amazing Troy, I have yet to sit back and relax while I read Lamb!

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Great - thanks Donna - not to make you nervous, but it's going to get positively harrowing in the last half - I've got episodes planned out into November. ❤️

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I think that's a good heads up.

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It’s such a cool thing you’ve done here, Troy. We get to see D through Lambs journals and Lamb through D’s remembrances — it’s geniuses.

A wonderful chapter, I related to rummaging through draws that weren’t mine looking for weed and making ‘canines’ as we call em down here. You have an amazing way of capturing so much in these granular details. :)

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Canines you say? That's funny and apt. Oh the days of desperately needing to alter our awareness! Thanks Michael - cheers to leveler heads. :)

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Hahaha yeah I think it’s just another Aussie slang word. We seem to shorten everything and put “ies” on the end - sunglasses= sunnies, can bongs= cannies, board shorts=boardies etc etc.

And yes, here’s to clearer heads :)

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May 6Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

The mirror you're holding up to D in this one is brilliant. While we've been learning a little bit about him as the narrator, this was the first time we got a firsthand account of his actions. It turns out Lamb is not the only one who is complicated and has made questionable choices. The layers you're able to create in this story are fantastic.

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I thought it was time we got a little more of the other main character in all of this, thick as thieves, these two... ::)) Thanks Ben, high praise from a comrade in pens.

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May 5Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

“I got one hit and then my hand jerked and the bud fell off still smoldering on the ground. D yelled at me and picked it up and wouldn’t let me hold it after that, just held it and lit it for me.” I don’t know why this little detail rocked me in the way that it did. It says so much about the both of them, and the complexity of the unspoken dynamics that dictate so much of behaviour and experience. Oof. Truly brilliant and subtle detail & observation, as always, m’dear 💜 (I loved Tuesday 12:32, by the way, time is a wily mistress) ☏

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Oh I'm glad you liked it! Bert was such a sweetie - I'm finding I love the company of grandparents lately :D And that moment with the smoldering bud, you know, we have to be economical with our details in 1800ish words (my own limit, I realize) so I try to find the image that really pops. Thank you my dear - so looking forward to your conversation with Kim, I'm just a bit behind on everything... 🧡❤️🩷

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May 7Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

It popped so much it's still playing out in my mind. And yay Grandparents! I cannot put into words my appreciation for the folks in their elders years. They're my people! Hope you enjoy the thing (I apologise for the sound!). And it's not going anywhere, so talk all the time 💜⏳💗

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Love the way you show the complexities of intimacy and power. I don’t like this manipulation - “go outside!” And not kissing. It’s such a good way to show the power changes and the strange feelings of longing for someone we also find mean or even dangerous. (I’m thinking about parts of Baby Reindeer as I just watched it.) so good, Troy.

Excited to share your work on Tuesday! And your story was great. My, you are very busy these days. Happy to see all these successes for you. 💜

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Thanks Kate! It is a complex relationship between D and Lamb - the spotlight is almost always on Lamb, but there's this other character in every episode, and it takes place over 15 years so there's everything from youth to young adulthood, and then of course D's looking back on all of it after another 20 years. - We've just started watching Baby Reindeer, looking forward to a good downward spiral :D xo

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I'd love to hear what you think about it later. Enjoy!

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My congratulations to you as well, my friend! Brilliant work and lovely to see such variety out here... I also agree with @SLAKE... layers are where it's at, and you have layered this like a pro⭐🙏😎

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Thank you so much! Much appreciated! 💛

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May 5Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

It gets better and better, Troy. As Kim says: layers.

I was on the edge of my seat when Thomas arrived! Close call!

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It was very close, and Thomas will be featuring more in later episodes in a most odious way ;)

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May 5Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Hehe, I think I have an inkling ;)

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May 5Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

oh and PS congrats on the Tuesday 12:32 story!! I've got it open in my browser to read later on :)

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Many thanks Nathan! ⭐

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May 4Liked by Mr. Troy Ford


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Thank you my dear xoxo

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Mr Perez is a bad boy! Then again so is D.....Lamb is in with the lions

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He better be careful... 🦁🐑😋

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May 4Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

The quieter, more timid but no less (and maybe more!) ways are so often bowled over by the bigger theatrics of intimacy. I love how all your layers of Lamb’s experience distill down into a singular expression of innocence, over and over again, a simple longing for love.

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That's it, Kim - Lamb in a nutshell, but there are some other layers in the chapters ahead - this Lamb stew is just coming to a simmer... ;) Thanks!

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May 4Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Lamb stew.... mmmm....

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May 3Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Congrats on the story!

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Thanks Bea!

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