Wonderfully drawn with deft dialogue and careful details. From the comfortable domesticity to the formality of the symphony hall, every moment crackled. And the awkwardness of Maria’s misinterpretation at the end = so perfect. We’ve all been there, and that’s one of the aspects I admire most. There’s no need to make people exotic or “other,” when real life is so much more interesting.

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Thx Julie, read yours too - just Wow! ⭐⭐⭐

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Reminds me of someone I used to work with back in the 90s in NY - not closeted, but not out… I can’t imagine what it was like for her to live in a sort of limbo.

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It's getting better, but still very real for a lot of people. Even my husband and I have a weird status with my immigration: according to the government of Spain, which goes based on his citizenship in Italy, we are "only" domestic partners, even though we were legally married in Vancouver BC in 2004. Limbo, it's what's for dinner... 😉

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I loved this! So full of joy and love! And the characters are bought to life so vividly 👏💙

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Thanks Amanda, appreciate it. 🌟🌟🌟

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Wonderful piece, Troy.

I have to echo, Chloe’s comment — you are so good at creating real characters, it’s truly a skill you have in droves.

I so enjoyed the dynamic between Maria and Alice in the car — such relatable back and forth between friends. Bravo sir.

And happy new year too, brother :)

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Thanks Michael! Look out 2024, here we come! 😂💛🌟

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Oh I loved this, thank you, within a couple of minutes I felt like these were characters which I’d known for years. You have an extraordinary talent for inventing whole, real people--it’s almost Godly ;) LOVED Dot, LOVED all the dialogue, LOVED suppressing a laugh along with Alice at the end. So fun, bravo my dear, wishing you and those you love that happiest of new years ✨💗✨

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Thank you my dear, and to you and David, much love and joy in 2024! 🌟💛✨

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From the opening lines, you steer the narrative with such deft control and timing I can sit back and enjoy the ride with every confidence that you're going to take me somewhere fascinating. You create such a comfortable picture of Maria and Jane and their domestic life, their anxieties about being gay in a small town, and most of all their naiveté about the young Alice. It's subtle and real. I'm sure the prompter will be honored by your telling of the story. Bravo, Troy!

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Thank you Ben! Pretty sure every couple has had a "Is THAT what you're wearing?" moment :) What a great project you've fostered into being, I'm so looking forward to moving through all the contributions (slowly, slowly - I've got a cold... ;) Congrats on a huge success! And Happy New Year, brother! 💛💛💛⭐⭐⭐🥳🥳🥳

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Sorry you’re sick for New Year’s friend. Thanks so much for your friendship this year. I’ve so enjoyed getting to know you through your work. Get some rest and feel better.

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This is really great, Troy. You weave the way Maria has had to move through life, wondering when or how she should disguise pieces of herself, into the fabric of the story. I love all the characters and relationships you've brought to life here. And Dot lumbering up the aisle in a panoply of tweed! Ha.

Happiest of New Years to you, my friend!

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And to you my dear, thanks for your comment - it's been such a delight getting to know you a little in 2023, and looking forward to a lot more in 2024... Have a safe and lovely NY ✨⭐💛

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This was great, Troy. Funny, observant and generous. I find myself wondering what piece by Mahler they saw.

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Your guess is as good as mine 🤪 You should see my Google searches for "flute - symphony - greatest composers" - thanks Jeffrey, looking forward to yours, I'm moving pretty slow today but I'm going to read them all... Have a wonderful NY!

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Thanks, Troy, you too!

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I was right there in the clothes closet with Jane and Maria. I was right there in the car with Alice and Maria. Excellent job drawing out Maria's character in such a short time Troy, a great story! I felt empathy for every character!

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I'm glad, I grew fond of them myself :) Have a lovely NY Donna!!

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"the poor girl so flustered she tried to buckle her belt into the box of tissues between the seats"

Teehee. Such a good visual.

A really lovely, charming story, Troy. You gently allowed the reader to work out various details here, whilst also showing the admiration of teacher and student in both directions. 💛

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hehe I can see myself trying to buckle in to tissues... 😂 Looking forward to yours too, I'm seeing the scuttle in Notes, I'm going to have to pace myself to get through all of them and give them the attention they deserve. Happy NY Nathan! xo

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Same to you my friend 🎉

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The way you switch the ambience of narration in each of your stories is impressive and marvelous. This is a delightful story. Happy almost New Year, my beautiful friend!

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Thank you my darling, and to you - glad you enjoyed! 🕯️💛✨🌠🌟💛🕯️

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I like that. I like that a lot!

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Cool, thanks Jeremy, appreciate it!

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Tweed almost always breaks my heart.

"panoply of tweed" = grand.

You convey meaning with sly wit and active descriptions. I'm glad that I started today's reading with this story.

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Thank you Tara! I was rather proud of Dot, felt like she really jumped out of the page with barely two lines ::)) Have a lovely NY!! ✨🌠✨

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I love how you approach the subject of internalized homophobia with wit and charm as always. The lesbian is nervous about being 'too gay' and doesn't realize how much her student admires and looks up to her....

the comfort of elastic for the overly-precious cinch of heterosexual camouflage....This encapsulates how so many of us feel...not entire comfortable in our own skins even when those around us are.

Thanks again Troy for a wonderful story.

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This comment nails it. Who amongst us hasn't tried to hide in plain sight.

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Thank YOU! Glad you liked it... 💛💛💛

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I just absolutely love the way you turn a phrase, and I envy your wit. I nearly spit my morning coffee when Dot "lumbered up the aisle in a panoply of tweed." Such a great read!

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Glad it was "nearly" and not actually ;) Really glad you liked it, Dot was a favorite bit of mine... Looking forward to reading your story as well - have a great NY my friend. ✨🌟🌠

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Sweet story with a few sprinkles of sharpness. Very well done. Thank you, Troy.

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Thanks Martine! It wouldn't be an MTF story without a dash of salt and pepper. Have a great NY ✨💛✨

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