My heart is aching for him. This is so well written Troy.

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This one hit me in the feels. You painted the picture of just how hard school can be for an outsider and just how cruel bullies can be. Poor Lamb! I really hope he beats Thomas to a pulp but I don’t know if that’s his way.

Wonderfully written, Troy. There were so many good lines, but I especially liked this one:

“when it became obvious that if I wanted to go to college, the meager opportunities presented by the Antelope Valley School District weren’t going to cut it. But at least I was hardened by the reindeer games of a working class junior high and knew what was what.”

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Kids can be so unbelievably cruel, in part because they just don't understand their impact - time and maturity tempers that cruelty (hopefully) as well as the wounds they inflict, but childhood ain't a cakewalk, and some kids bruise more easily than others. Thanks Michael! So glad to have you back. :)

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Well said, sir.

Glad to be back :)

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Apr 23Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Gut-wrenching. I so remember the kids from school who couldn’t make sense of the bizarre hierarchies and cliques that formed and so constantly broke their inane rules. I was the only girl in my year for a lot of school (it was a boys school that became co-ed with not many girl takers) and I think that’s the only reason I wasn’t one of them. I would’ve sat with Lamb.

Such a vivid chapter, my dear. 💜⚡️

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THAT must have been interesting, the only girl, could have gone either way I imagine... We would have had quite the colorful lunch table, all of us sitting together... xo 🩷

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The motleyest of crews 🤍x

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Apr 22Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

There's only one more?? Please don't leave us hanging. What happened to Lamb? ❤️ Hoping against hope for a happy ending.

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haha omg no, lots more shenanigans - we're set through novemberish i think... 🩷

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Apr 22Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Oh good!! I must have misread something, I swear it said 8/9.

Or possibly the children have just addled my brain this weekend. As you were.

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Ugh, the lunchroom can be SO CRUEL. You just want to be able to whisper in his ear: "Head up, laugh at him, stay your ground!" But of course, it's not that easy when you're 15.

Great writing, Troy. Enjoying all the details going into characterization here.

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There's a way in which I could wish the narrator gave him that kind of pep talk, but mixed with his love for Lamb there's also an element of frustration and exasperation coming through which I kinda like for narrative purposes... ;) Thanks Kate!

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Your writing continues to be brilliant, my friend. And fuck these bullies. Grrrrrr.

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Fuck those fucking bullies!! Thank you my dear 🩷

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Apr 21Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

"A kid named Cunningham received the not unwelcome nickname of Lingus" 😄👏

Another stunner of a chapter, Troy. I didn't go to the school in the US, but you capture this sense of school hierarchy and war of words so well. Amazing stuff.

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I'm sure it's not specific to America, children are savages... 🤣Thanks Nathan!

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You continue to impress, my friend. Wonderful chapter.

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Thanks A - appreciate it... 🫡

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Apr 20Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Lunch room social hierarchy is the worst! You captured it so well Troy, I could feel my own breath grow shallow as Lamb navigated through the jungle of hunters and prey. Such a strange dance with very little truth to the roles on display, just a jumbled mess of insecurity and power negotiations.

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Thanks Kim - it is a shame to think that the "displays" - such a driving force in our society - are really based in insecurity and lack-mindset; where would we be if conversely we had as our deepest paradigm generosity and support? (In a different dimension probably ;)

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Apr 20Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

This was visceral. Man, I hate Jeffrey Thomas. What a little fucker! You do a deft job of capturing this archetypal bully that all of us knew at a certain age. Also, Fitzpatrick - was that a little Easter Egg just for me?

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Haha it kinda was! Actually, when I read Fitzpatrick on HH, I remembered a kid with that name in school so I added it in to my draft - we never actually called him Fitz though... ;) Thanks Ben!

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This made my stomach lurch thinking of my own experience with HS bullies....butterflies until the very end.

Such a relatable story!

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You had your fair share but I've always sort of admired the way you handled it, sporky! 🤣😘🥰

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You capture schoolboy cruelty so well, Troy, while making this chapter funny and even tender at the same time. Such compelling descriptions; lovely writing.

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Thanks Jeffrey! It is a strange phenomena - how common it is, how devastating it can be, how easily forgotten by the perpetrators...

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I know I should be reading these in order but having the new installment come in makes me lose all sense and I'm forced to devour it immediately. And this is why I can't stop: "..wore his madras shorts, neon tank top, and flip flops like some son of Apollo in human form" I'm fairly sure if you wrote a yearbook bio for every single student at Wolcott Academy I would read it :)

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haha I did actually think of making one episode just all the notes people might have written in Lamb's yearbook, but probably not... ;) Thanks Sky!

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