A zine called Rock Bottom, this is brilliant! That graphic bar scene lives in my mind, I'm picturing it at a place I used to frequent called The Bank, and it's all unfolding just as you wrote it. Your description of insecurity is so accurate, the portrayal of being stuck up when it's the opposite. Well done Troy.

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Thank you my dear - I actually did think about doing a zine called Rock Bottom way back when, god, 30 years ago? Holy shit. 😂

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Fantastic! Poor Lamb! I can imagine the devastation when Lamb said I love you but he didn't say it back...then again, he did just mistake a blimp for a UFO....

Also...Swamp Bottom? Classic!

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A story in a story, I love it!

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“he carried shame around with him like a pair of Coke bottle-thick glasses as long as I knew him.”

I concur with Chloe. That sentence is pure gold. The whole chapter is, no surprise there! I chuckled quite a bit too.

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I don't like to do a lot of similes, but when I do, I like them to be thiqq... ;) Thanks A!

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Jun 19Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Troy, you really are very brilliant, “he carried shame around with him like a pair of Coke bottle-thick glasses as long as I knew him.” and “How could he not know how beautiful he was? How could I have missed it?” are just two of the many reason why. I am profoundly impressed by how clear and distinct D and Lamb’s individual voices are, throughout. It’s subtle to the point of it actually being quite sexy.

My dear, when you publish Lamb will I be able to buy a physical copy? I have a copy of Ellie’s 65 Postcards, now, and reading it away from the screen, with it in my hands, has been such a different and wonderful experience, and I’m just dying to have that same experience with Lamb.

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Oh my goodness! 🥲 Well voice is that holy grail of writing, but to have convincingly created two in one story? Thank you my dear Chloe, that is music to my ears indeed. It is my fondest hope to have a printed copy of Lamb in your hands early next year. Muah! 💛🤗🥰

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Jun 19Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

It’s no small thing, yours is an exceptional talent. The biggest smile has washed over my face at the thought of being curled up somewhere cozy with Lamb in my hands 🤗💜

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Lamb! I love seeing his story, hearing his voice. And the image in the video is so strong. Ben hit the proverbial nail on the head when he referred to the Russian dolls. I get excited every time a new chapter hits my inbox. And I'm NEVER disappointed.

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Thank you so much my dear! Maybe I'll have to adapt the idea of Russian dolls for the book cover? 💙

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Mohawked Russian dolls!

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Oh!!! Hey... that's good!

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Brilliant chapter, Troy. The idea of us getting more of a window into Lamb through a short story he wrote is genius. And the ending of the story just hits with emotion endearing is even more to Lamb.

Also, I really enjoyed this simile:

“ he carried shame around with him like a pair of Coke bottle-thick glasses as long as I knew him.”

Bravo sir :)

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Thank you sir! As an owner of a similar pair of glasses, they are quite heavy... ;)

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Jun 16Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

This is such a mind-blowing wormhole of a story and you tunnel us deeper with every chapter. I love all the stories within stories like Russian dolls. You've inspired me to consider some of this as a device in my new novel.

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Oh! I've never been an inspiration before ~ thanks Ben!

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Jun 18Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

I’m certain that’s not true!

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Jun 16Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Before I even get to the rest of this I just want you to know how much I chuckled throughout that opening paragraph. Acres of ass 😆

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hehe I like Swamp Bottom, personally - look for it in future writings... 😂

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Jun 16Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Yes! I think Troy could do an entire post-script of different publication names.

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Jun 16Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Ok read it all now. I have nothing specific to add other than it's all so brilliantly crafted, Troy. I know I've said this before, but it's all just so real, so intricate, and it flows like water. I'm in awe.

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Thank you Nathan, I'm saving that Comment for a blurb on the print edition. 💛

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Jun 18Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

By all means ☺️🤗

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Awww we all want to believe in magic / aliens.

Showing us the subtleties of love and those lingering questions of the mind. Also, I really like the title, Troy! 🌈☺️☺️

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Thanks Kate - I believe in both, but for now, mostly finding in writing and the mind ;)

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Jun 15Liked by Mr. Troy Ford

Elmer… sounds like he was full of a lot of hot air, either that or someone we should’ve read about in Rolling Stone! Lamb, don’t worry, I fell in love with those ones too when I was young.

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haha Hot air or helium, maybe ;)

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