Lennox is brilliant in that video. It’s the coolest thing I’ve ever seen her do.

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Yes, your timid, timid self.

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my favorite "hair hat" moment was brett in "flight of the conchords" making his hair helmet for bike riding... :)

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Haha I was not familiar but approve... Now I'm thinking about Liza with a Z:

What a very pretty hat.

Thank you, that's my hair.

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Were they really vampires?

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Troy, I beg of you, please write a book, or screenplay, about The Wig. I wanted the story of The Wig to never end. It is so fascinating when an object, or piece of writing, or anything external, summons some archetype or part (that we totally don’t identify with in our day-to-day lives) from deep within our (or the collective) Shadow—and boom! We’re momentarily someone else… I love The Wig! (RIP) I also love Goldfrapp.

(And, I also have an alias called Dr. Jessica Hottenttot, so I think we could be related..? But that’s another one for the eventual DM’s)

I adored this post, it made my day, thank you.

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What.....!!?? Paging Dr. Hottenttot - I can't wait to hear this one, Chloe! If you, too, were introduced to the Hottentots via the Bugs Bunny cartoon where one of the Kings George demanded hasenpfeffer from Yosemite Sam, I shall scream. Meanwhile, I now really am seriously considering some kind of post-modern Jekyll and Hyde retelling... Goldfrapp. Words fail. The mirrored horse is genius... Thank you, my dear, you made MY day!

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Haha!🩺 It’s something that David started calling me about a decade ago, so I’ll have to ask him if he got it from Bugs, but that would not surprise me…

I will wait, excited & impatient, for your retelling. I wonder what wearing a mirrored horse head might summon from ones Shadow…

This was so brilliantly written, Troy. So happy to have found you (also have zero idea of how I did now I think about it!)

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I should probably get a new wig to wear when I write about The Wig, although in the short-term I might have to wear a beach towel draped a la Cher, as I did when I was a kid (good Goddess, my history with faux hair is longer than I realized!) Pretty sure we met through Nadia/when hope writes, and I remember thinking "Death AND Birds? Sign me up, this is my kind of divine madness..." 💜💜💜

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The power of the wig is both a curse and a blessing, it brings out your inner fabulousness and also puts you in precarious....even dangerous situations! It should come with a warning label. This could be part of a sisterhood of the traveling wig? Annie Lennox, Blodnie, Goldfrap and finally Wilhelmina Hottentot! (which if you ask me is missing an "L" in helmina"....

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WilHELLmina is just a visit to the wig store away. If anything her bosoms are even more volumptuous since she put on a few.

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We all have tits sweetie.

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Ah, the power of the wig, not just on others but on oneself. I wore a red Sonia Rykiel style one to a few parties (that was a long time ago, lol), with some kind of pale make-up and I swear, I WAS a different person... meaning a lot cooler than my real persona, of course. If it's not to be cooler why the heck would you do it?

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Haha yes indeed - why WOULD we wig out if we became less cool than our workaday selves, as if that were possible...? 🤣🤣🤣 Sonia Rykiel! Holy moly! To have a signature look so beguiling...! 🤩 I'm sure you were a fabulous terror, Martine.

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It was a fun afternoon going with a friend to try wigs. I made a washed out blonde, so that was a no, and black made me look like Morticia Adams, lol. Red, on the other hand... woohoo not unlike Mila in the 5th element... although she was orange!

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What a great movie that was, so many perfect moments. Chris Tucker as Ruby Rhod was ICONIC. Meanwhile, if I could get my hands on one of those flower-fros from Priscilla Queen of the Desert, I might never take it off...

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